The U.P. Diliman campus in Quezon City is, unknown to many, one of the last remaining natural sanctuaries of a population of wild birds heroically surviving in Metro Manila. There are over 100 documented species of endemic, breeding, and migrant wild birds in the campus.
But this habitat is currently under siege by the pressures brought on by increasing ill-advised administrative and commercial initiatives of the university.
UP Diliman as an ideal is an analog of the Philippines as it must be in a world under threat. If it cannot recognize this then it fails to be that ideal.
The author has so far photo-documented about 75% of this wild bird population in the campus (2014-2019) and hopes that the featured representative photos in this section will highlight the dire need of protecting these birds by of preserving their remaining habitat in UP Diliman.
*Photographs with"substitute photo"qualification indicate photos taken by the author outside the campus and used here strictly for better illustrative purposes.
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